Infighting among the leadership, inconsistent stances across the military, and the garrison forces are weary! Xi is playing tricks on Zhang Youxia, suddenly sending Liu Zhenli abroad. The California wildfires have caused unprecedented losses—is there something suspicious behind it? The South Korean president is in a critical situation, while the head of the security team has resigned.
陈破空:旅美作家、政论家、八九民运人士。出生于四川省绵阳市三台县。就读湖南大学、同济大学。美国哥伦比亚大学公共管理硕士。曾执教中山大学。代表作品:《中南海厚黑学》、《假如中美开战》、《川普对决习近平》、 《全世界都不了解中国人》、《关于中国的一百个常识》 …
#何卫东 #张又侠 #大清洗
Infighting among the leadership, inconsistent stances across the military, and the garrison forces are weary! Xi is playing tricks on Zhang Youxia, suddenly sending Liu Zhenli abroad. The California wildfires have caused unprecedented losses—is there something suspicious behind it? The South Korean president is in a critical situation, while the head of the security team has resigned.
陈破空:旅美作家、政论家、八九民运人士。出生于四川省绵阳市三台县。就读湖南大学、同济大学。美国哥伦比亚大学公共管理硕士。曾执教中山大学。代表作品:《中南海厚黑学》、《假如中美开战》、《川普对决习近平》、 《全世界都不了解中国人》、《关于中国的一百个常识》 …
#何卫东 #张又侠 #大清洗