• Sat, Oct 12
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【第12期】昔日繁华的温哥华街道,疫情下显得冷清寂寥。同一个视频,从新配音和剪辑了,希望能有更好的观感。疫情下的温哥华 | 薇羽看世间 20200410

#newnormal #virus #Vancouver

music 《A Nostalgic Melody 琴弦的故事 》is from Tony Chen

In 2020, no one has ever expected that life would change in an instant.
The virus, an invisible killer,
changes the world.
Nothing is possible now when everything comes to a halt.
Someone was yearning for a great time at the spring break ;
someone was planning for a grand festival;
someone was preparing to start a new business ;
our minds are filled with struggle, hard work, career, making money, and bright future...
All your plans stop all of a sudden.
Everyone stay at home while all entertainment and vacations were cancelled.
Whether you are rich or poor,
you can only buy the most basics in life and we only need the necessities now.
Whether your house is big or small,
no friends will come over for a gathering.
Whether your car is expensive or cheap,
people's attention will not be on it any more.
Whether your clothes are of expensive brand or not,
no one will notice it at the moment.
Everyone is equal because life is equal.
However, when the world quiets down, we see them,
cashiers and logistic staff working in the supermarkets;
courier, food and newspaper delivery workers running on the road;
municipal clerks picking up and processing garbage in the neighborhood;
workers on the construction sites;
and the medical staff working at the most dangerous front line...
They are still in place for our life to continue.
When the crowd fades,
they come into our sight.
Yet who can see them before in the vast crowd?
Let's tap together with grateful heart at seven o'clock every night,
to appreciate all those who are still sticking to the front line of essential services of our life.



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